Twitter: one degree of separation

For a while I’ve been trying to spend less time on my phone browsing social media networks. The easiest way for me to do this was to remove the majority of those types of apps from my phone.

But yet, Twitter continues to impress me with how it allows us to interact with others.

Giving recognition

Jeffrey Zeldman’s website is 20 years old. It is incredible to think where the Web would be today, if it were not for people like him. His book, Designing with Web Standards had a big influence on my career as a web developer. It was the least I could do, so I retweeted the link to his article on this momentous occasion. And he favourited my tweet.

Sharing my thoughts

After recently watching Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck, I started listening to Nirvana again. And I’m enjoying it. I posted this on Twitter and Brett Morgen (director and producer) favourited my tweet.

The person who created the movie that I just watched could read a thought that I had just shared. I think that is neat!

Helping others

Winter has descended upon Cape Town and the rain is causing big puddles of water on the roads. A major road near to my home had flooding in areas over a distance of a few kilometers. I notified the Cape Town government’s Twitter account, hoping they could assist. Or at least hoped that someone who drives in the area would be aware of the dangers.

I received a reply to say they had reported the matter for further attention. It’ll be great to see if they actually address the problem.

Final thoughts

By using Twitter like this, we can make small a difference within our communities. Even if it is just to say thank you.